According to a study, people who consume more dairy fat have a lower risk of heart disease
According to a study, people who consume more dairy fat have a lower risk of heart disease For those who thought that dairy fat will cause a person to have a higher risk of heart disease, a team of scientists has now proven the opposite conclusion. According to new research, people who consume more dairy […]
Digital Economy to The Rescue
In the midst of new outbreaks and renewed lockdown terms, countries are struggling to keep their businesses open and their people indoors. However, after a year of uncertainty, global economy seems to be bouncing back — and Indonesia is no exception. According to Bank Indonesia, the country shows a positive growth trend, aiming for a […]
Great Investment Opportunities and Economic Growth: Why Invest in Indonesia?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global economic growth to decline, as well as the Indonesian economy. Despite facing many challenges in increasing economic growth, the investment ministry of Indonesia is committed to monitoring the investment in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ministry of Investment/BKPM along with central and local governments work together to solve the investment problems […]
Indonesia’s Expanding Industries Pave the Way to Positive Economic Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the lives of Indonesian citizens. Work has become scarce, businesses are suffering, schools experience great difficulty in providing good education, and medical care has now become a luxury. Indonesia’s economy is affected so much that most tourism industries have come to a halt. This has created a big problem […]
Pasok Kebutuhan Pangan Selama Pandemi, Kontribusi Industri Makin Meroket
Industri makanan dan minuman (mamin) merupakan penyumbang kontribusi terbesar terhadap sektor industri pengolahan nonmigas pada triwulan II tahun 2021 yang mencapai 38,42% serta memberikan kontribusi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) nasional mencapai 6,66%. Capaian kumulatif sektor strategis ini dari sisi ekspor juga sangat baik, yaitu mencapai USD19,58 miliar atau naik 42,59% dari periode yang sama […]
Sektor Manufaktur Tumbuh Agresif di Tengah Tekanan Pandemi
Industri manufaktur memberikan kontribusi terbesar atas kenaikan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang mencapai 7,07% pada triwulan II tahun 2021. Sektor ini merupakan sumber pertumbuhan tertinggi, yaitu sebesar 1,35%. Di periode ini, sektor manufaktur sendiri mencatatkan pertumbuhan sebesar 6,91% meskipun mengalami tekanan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Lima besar kontributor PDB di periode ini adalah industri makanan dan minuman […]
The Key Sectors to Back Up Making Indonesia 4.0
The Indonesian government has designed a roadmap to implement several strategies in jumpstarting the nation’s development by formulating Making Indonesia 4.0. The aim is to boost Indonesia’s competitiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The government also aims to enhance export opportunities and become more globally competitive by focusing on five essential sectors: food and […]